mostró por primera vez un beso entre una pareja homosexual. Y es que la serie inspirada en conocidos cuentos de hadas sorprendió a sus fans ante la emisión del episodio “Ruby Slippers”, estrenado el pasado 17 de abril.

En dicho capítulo, Dorothy (Teri Reeves) de El Mago de Oz y Ruby (Meghan Ory), una loba que se esconde bajo la identidad de Caperucita Roja, se dieron el primer beso lésbico en esta conocida ficción de ABC.

En esta emotiva escena, Ruby acepta que ama a Dorothy, pero es tarde, ya que La Malvada Bruja del Oeste la sometió a un hechizo que solo puede ser roto con “el beso de verdadero amor”.

Si bien “Ruby Slippers” presentó el primer beso entre dos mujeres, la homosexualidad no es un tema nuevo para Once upon a time. En el tercer episodio de la ficción, los seguidores vieron a una enamorada Mulán de Aurora, más conocida como La Bella Durmiente. Sin embargo, estos personajes no compartieron un momento tan íntimo como Dorothy y Ruby.

YOU GUYS NEED TO FIND YOU CHILLLL Let me just say it clearly I support this. I swear I thought it was gonna be ruby and Mulan but but I guess Mulan is just forever alone There's a lot of fights going on in the comments about religion so Let me just say me personally, I don't care what some book says. I don't care what society says. I don't care what's the popular opinion. I learned a long time ago that we need to feel whatever it is that we feel and we need to think whatever it is that we think. You can't allow yourself be bullied or scared into the thinking something , and I'm saying that to both ends of the spectrum, from people trying to convince each other homosexuality is wrong or vice versa. Once you let someone think for you, you start to lose yourself and it's so hard to come back. If we go by religious standards we're all hypocrites. It's a sin to lie. It's a sin to lust. It's a sin to have greed It's a sin to be envious. And I can guarantee you have done one or more and will continue to do one or more of those sins until the day you die. And that's not not me being a pessimist that's just a fact of life. We live in a world of "sin" So before you pick and pluck out those "sins" your not comfortable with. You need to stop an think back at every single choice you've ever made to decide whether or not you're in any position to judge. Have you ever lied, have you ever had sex before marriage, have you ever hurt someone.... If the world is anything like my comment section right now we're all gonna burn together and taste each other ashes.

Un vídeo publicado por ONCE UPON A TIME (@onceuponatimeinstorybrook) el